Ensemble Methods

Ensemble methods is a machine learning technique that combines several base models in order to produce one optimal predictive model.

An ensemble is itself a supervised learning algorithm, because it can be trained and then used to make predictions. 

Ensembles tend to yield better results when there is a significant diversity among the models.

Ensemble techniques (especially bagging) tend to reduce problems related to over-fitting of the training data.

Ensembling reduces variance and bias, two things that can cause big differences between predicted and actual results.

Types of ensembles:

1) Bayes optimal classifier

2) Bagging

3) Boosting

4) Bayesian parameter averaging

5) Bayesian model combination

6) Bucket of models

7) Stacking

1) Bayes optimal classifier (or) Optimal Bayes classifier:

The Optimal Bayes classifier chooses the class that has greatest a posteriori probability of occurrence (so called maximum a posteriori estimation, or MAP). It can be shown that of all classifiers, the Optimal Bayes classifier is the one that will have the lowest probability of miss classifying an observation, i.e. the lowest probability of error. So if we know the posterior distribution, then using the Bayes classifier is as good as it gets.

The Bayes optimal classifier is a classification technique. It is an ensemble of all the hypotheses in the hypothesis space. 

2) Bagging:

 BAGGing gets its name because it combines Bootstrapping and Aggregation to form one ensemble model. Given a sample of data, multiple bootstrapped subsamples are pulled. A Decision Tree is formed on each of the bootstrapped subsamples. After each subsample Decision Tree has been formed, an algorithm is used to aggregate over the Decision Trees to form the most efficient predictor.

3) Boosting:

Boosting provides sequential learning of the predictors. The first predictor is learned on the whole data set, while the following are learnt on the training set based on the performance of the previous oneIt starts by classifying original data set and giving equal weights to each observation. If classes are predicted incorrectly using the first learner, then it gives higher weight to the missed classified observation. Being an iterative process, it continues to add classifier learner until a limit is reached in the number of models or accuracy. Boosting has shown better predictive accuracy than bagging, but it also tends to over-fit the training data as well. 

Boosting, on the other hand, runs weighted averages in parallel.

AdaBoost -- At each iteration, adaptive boosting changes the sample distribution by modifying the weights attached to each of the instances. It increases the weights of the wrongly predicted instances and decreases the ones of the correctly predicted instances. The weak learner thus focuses more on difficult instances. After being trained, the weak learner is added to the strong one according to his performance (so-called alpha weight). The higher it performs, the more it contributes to the strong learner.

Gradient Boosting -- gradient boosting doesn’t modify the sample distribution. Instead of training on a new sample distribution, the weak learner trains on the remaining errors (so-called pseudo-residuals) of the strong learner. It is another way to give more importance to the difficult instances. At each iteration, the pseudo-residuals are computed and a weak learner is fitted to these pseudo-residuals. Then, the contribution of the weak learner (so-called multiplier) to the strong one isn’t computed according to his performance on the new distribution sample but using a gradient descent optimization process. The computed contribution is the one minimizing the overall error of the strong learner.

4) Bayesian parameter averaging:

Bayesian parameter averaging (BPA) is an ensemble technique that seeks to approximate the Bayes optimal classifier by sampling hypotheses from the hypothesis space, and combining them using Bayes' law.

5) Bayesian model combination:

Bayesian model combination (BMC) is an algorithmic correction to Bayesian model averaging (BMA). Instead of sampling each model in the ensemble individually, it samples from the space of possible ensembles (with model weightings drawn randomly from a Dirichlet distribution having uniform parameters). This modification overcomes the tendency of BMA to converge toward giving all of the weight to a single model. Although BMC is somewhat more computationally expensive than BMA, it tends to yield dramatically better results. The results from BMC have been shown to be better on average (with statistical significance) than BMA, and bagging.

6) Bucket of models:
A "bucket of models" is an ensemble technique in which a model selection algorithm is used to choose the best model for each problem. When tested with only one problem, a bucket of models can produce no better results than the best model in the set, but when evaluated across many problems, it will typically produce much better results, on average, than any model in the set.

7) Stacking 
Stacking works in two phases. First, we use multiple base classifiers to predict the class. Second, a new learner is used to combine their predictions with the aim of reducing the generalization error. 

Random Forest Models:

Random Forest Models can be thought of as BAGGing, with a slight tweak. When deciding where to split and how to make decisions, BAGGed Decision Trees have the full disposal of features to choose from. Therefore, although the bootstrapped samples may be slightly different, the data is largely going to break off at the same features throughout each model. In contrary, Random Forest models decide where to split based on a random selection of features. Rather than splitting at similar features at each node throughout, Random Forest models implement a level of differentiation because each tree will split based on different features. This level of differentiation provides a greater ensemble to aggregate over, ergo producing a more accurate predictor. Refer to the image for a better understanding.




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